Brasilia Photoreal 2019 p3dv4/FSX

Brasília is the federal capital of Brazil and seat of government of the Federal District. The city is located atop the Brazilian highlands in the country's center-western region. It was founded on April 21, 1960, to serve as the new national capital. Brasília is estimated to be Brazil's 3rd most populous city.Among major Latin American cities, Brasília has the highest GDP per capita. (Wikipedia)


- Braislia and surround area fully in photoreal with 3d buildings and vegetations autogens;
- Lots of real buildings, constructions, POIs, shoppings and soccer stadiums. 
- Freeway traffic on main roads and avenues.
- Great water masking quality.
- 3d stunning night lighting based on OSM data (requires a good hardware configuration machine)
- Areas of Ceilandia with 3d models and buildings.
- Esplanada center areas fully covered.
- ORBX and FTX Global compatible.

How to purchase: send an email to



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