Santiago City Photoreal Scenery (FSX/P3D)

Santiago de Chile, is the capital and largest city of Chile as well as one of the largest cities in the Americas. It is the center of Chile's most densely populated region, the Santiago Metropolitan Region, whose total population is 7 million, of which more than 6 million live in the city's continuous urban area. The city is entirely located in the country's central valley. Most of the city lies between 500–650 m (1,640–2,133 ft) above mean sea level. Source: Wikipedia

Santiago, la capital y ciudad más grande de Chile, se encuentra en un valle rodeado de Andes cubiertos de nieve y la cordillera de Chile. La Plaza de Armas, el corazón del antiguo centro colonial de la ciudad, alberga 2 monumentos históricos neoclásicos: el Palacio de la Real Audiencia de 1808, que alberga el museo de historia nacional, y la catedral metropolitana del siglo XVIII. La Chascona es el hogar el poeta Pablo Neruda que se convirtió en museo. Source: Wikipedia

Scenery resourses:

- POIs modeled from 3d Lidar photo data like business centers, stadiums, real buildings and more

- 3d autogen for buildings and vegetations

- 3d night light system based on roadmap real data

- 1,00m/pixel aerial imagery of Santiago city and surroundings (day and night)

- Compatible with LatinVFR SCEL

- Los Cerrillos Airport clearing AFCAD (SCTI)

- 3d building textures based on local facades and roofs.

How to purchase: send an email to



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